The modern production line of Finnish window manufacturer SAAGA Ikkunat breathes new life into the industry – Laser Marking of wood with Cajo’s CO2 Laser improves the highly automated window manufacturing process

Laser Marking of wood

When the Finnish window manufacturer Saaga Ikkunat automated the company’s production processes, an advanced Laser Marking unit by Cajo Technologies was integrated into the new production line. High-quality markings by Cajo Laser ensure readability throughout the product’s lifetime and can store a massive amount of information, such as full traceability and reliable product identification. This

Finnbaum, the supplier of production lines for the wood and aluminium industry, integrates Cajo’s cost-effective Laser and intelligent code reader cameras into lines that utilize the latest technology

marking data matrix codes

Objects moving on production lines built by Finnbaum get a permanent data matrix Laser Marking on their surface. When Finnbaum evaluated Laser suppliers, Cajo Technologies stood out from other companies thanks to customer-oriented service, good experiences and competitive prices for the comprehensive Laser Marking Solutions.